About the project
The Saltmarsh App was developed by the Universities of St Andrews and Bangor, as part of the CBESS research project. The data submitted by users will be used primarily by CBESS researchers, including those working on within the RESILCOAST cluster. CBESS is one of four research consortia managed by BESS and funded by NERC and the BBSRC as part of the UK’s LWEC programme.
CBESS was a large research consortia (many research institutions) that ran between 2013 and 2016. CBESS researched how important biodiversity is to underpinning all the benefits we have from nature (food, clean water, carbon storing, coastal protection). CBESS focused on the salt marsh to mudflat landscape of estuaries in the UK. CBESS was one of four research consortia managed by the BESS research programme.CBESS partners were; University of St Andrews, Bangor University, British Trust for Ornithology, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, University of Cambridge, Durham University, University of Essex, Queen’s University Belfast, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Scottish Association for Marine Science and University of Southampton.

RESILCOAST is a research cluster of 7 Welsh, English and Dutch research and environmental management bodies. The cluster researches the role of salt marshes in providing natural benefits to people, such as natural flood protection. It examines what makes marshes change, and, as a consequence, how this affects natural benefits and coastal environmental management. Financial support is provided by the Welsh Government and Higher Education Funding Council for Wales through the Sêr Cymru National Research Network for Low Carbon, Energy and Environment programme. Partners are: Universities of Bangor, Swansea and Cardiff; Plymouth Marine Laboratory, the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, NIOZ-Netherlands, and Natural Resources Wales.

A six-year (2011-2017) NERC research programme, supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) as part of the UK’s Living with Environmental Change (LWEC) programme. BESS is attempting to answer fundamental questions about the functional role of biodiversity in key ecosystem processes and the delivery of ecosystem processes at the landscape scale.

The UK’s largest funder of independent environmental science, training and innovation, delivered through universities and research centres.

The lead funding agency for academic research and training in the biosciences at universities and institutes throughout the UK.

A network of 20 UK public-sector organisations that fund, carry out and use environmental research. NERC and the BBSRC are part of this network.

About the app
The Saltmarsh App was developed by thedconcept pvt ltd and created by the University of St Andrews, Bangor University and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology. Special thanks to Angus Garbutt, Darren Caple, Hilary Ford, Julie Webb, Martin Skov, Meriem Kayoueche-Reeve, Neal Hockley and Tim Stojanovic.
The Saltmarsh App was created as part of Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS): NE/J015644/1. The project was funded with support from the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (BESS) programme. BESS is a six-year programme (2011-2017) funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) as part of the UK’s Living with Environmental Change (LWEC) programme.
Image copyright CBESS unless stated otherwise:
- Birds: all bird images are copyright northeastwildlife.co.uk except sitting Brent Goose (Kev Chapman) and flying Brent Goose (Sébastien Bertru)
- Invertebrates: Shore Bug side view (Lars Skipper), Shore Bug top view (Malcolm Storey) Springtails and Thrips (Christian Fischer), Black and Orange Money spider (Jørgen Lissner), Blue Tinted Ground Beetle (Roy Anderson) and Sandhopper (Roy Kleukers)
- Plants: Sea Milkwort plant (Rosser), Sea Milkwort flower (Christian Fischer), Lesser Sea Spurrey flower (Forest and Kim Starr), Sea Wormwood plant (Jeremy Halls), Sea Purslane leaves (Matt Lavin) and English Scurvy Grass flower (Olivier Pichard)
- Saltmarsh zonation (Clare Maynard)
- Saltmarsh sea defence (James Tempest)
- York flood (John Robinson)
- Estuary from the air (Emma Walker)